Reaching the unreached.
Restoring the hurting.
Rebuilding the broken.
A resource for our local community
Ministry Leaders: ron porras
EMAIL: [email protected]
Raleigh Dream Center’s exists to bring hope and restoration through the message of the Gospel for people in the Triangle area. Raleigh Dream Center, also known as RDC, is a Christian-based, volunteer driven organization providing social services and community programs to homeless, abused and impoverished high risk youth, individuals and families. We work to CONSISTENTLY provide resources to under-privileged communities and reach out to those individuals in substance abuse, physical abuse, experiencing homelessness, participating in gangs, or other circumstances.
There are multiple opportunities to serve.
The strength of Adopt-A-Block is its ability to build strong, lasting relationships within the community and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cross Assembly supports two North Raleigh neighborhood Adopt-A-Blocks on the second and fourth Saturday each month. Each event lasts 2 hours where we knock on doors, provide free groceries, pick up trash, play with children, and present the Gospel. It’s family friendly, so kids are welcome. Cross Assembly’s primary focus is Millbank Court Apartments, Casa de Luna Apartments and Oak City Care Center.
The strength of Adopt-A-Block is its ability to build strong, lasting relationships within the community and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cross Assembly supports two North Raleigh neighborhood Adopt-A-Blocks on the second and fourth Saturday each month. Each event lasts 2 hours where we knock on doors, provide free groceries, pick up trash, play with children, and present the Gospel. It’s family friendly, so kids are welcome. Cross Assembly’s primary focus is Millbank Court Apartments, Casa de Luna Apartments and Oak City Care Center.
KidzJam serves to bring spiritual, emotional, and academic support to hundreds of children through our Adopt-A-Blocks, after-school, and summer reading programs that takes place directly in local communities. Our after-school KidzJam program is for young children and takes place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the school year. If you are passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ and mentoring kids right in their communities, then we would love you to join our KidzJam Dream Team.
KidzJam serves to bring spiritual, emotional, and academic support to hundreds of children through our Adopt-A-Blocks, after-school, and summer reading programs that takes place directly in local communities. Our after-school KidzJam program is for young children and takes place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the school year. If you are passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ and mentoring kids right in their communities, then we would love you to join our KidzJam Dream Team.
Mobile Food Pantry
Food insecurity is a reality in Wake County, with 1 out of 6 people not knowing where their next meal will come from. NC ranks 10th in the nation for highest rates of hunger. Every week we supply free groceries to help meet a physical need in local communities, but most importantly it is a tool for us to be able to build relationships and share the gospel. This weekday opportunity provides free groceries in local communities. Volunteers can sign up to serve Tuesday-Friday at any of our locations.
Food insecurity is a reality in Wake County, with 1 out of 6 people not knowing where their next meal will come from. NC ranks 10th in the nation for highest rates of hunger. Every week we supply free groceries to help meet a physical need in local communities, but most importantly it is a tool for us to be able to build relationships and share the gospel. This weekday opportunity provides free groceries in local communities. Volunteers can sign up to serve Tuesday-Friday at any of our locations.
Food Warehouse
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2-5pm we are in need of laborers to help package up the groceries that are sent out to the local communities. This allows 100,000 meals to be sent out every month across Wake County!
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2-5pm we are in need of laborers to help package up the groceries that are sent out to the local communities. This allows 100,000 meals to be sent out every month across Wake County!

days of serving in the
midst of covid

total meals served
in communities

kids heard the gospel and were impacted through our programs

school meals
served to children

pounds of
food distributed

families were impacted through prayer, gospel presentations and tracts
More opportunities to serve

Our Back2School Bash is a highlight where we are able to help equip the children of our Adopt-A-Block communities with a new backpack filled with school supplies, a gospel track and a note of encouragement. By giving a backpack, it can change a child’s future by helping them excel in school. It also helps them socially by feeling accepted on that first day of school, confident that they have all the supplies they need.

Holiday Meal Food Drive
Join RDC in sharing the love of Christ in our local community this holiday season by providing non-perishable holiday food to families. Every year, we make it our goal to supply 2,500+ families a holiday meal as a part of our Pass The Joy Holiday initiative. Supplying nonperishable goods serves beyond providing sustenance; it encourages families to pause and connect over a delicious warm meal.

It's A Wrap!
It's A Wrap! is a special 3-part event that takes place every holiday season as a part of our Pass The Joy Holiday initiative. First, we host a toy drive where we collect 2,500+ toys (no puzzles, games, or battery-operated toys) for children newborn to age 12. Secondly, we gather across our campuses for our highly anticipated It's A Wrap! event where families and friends gather to help wrap all of the donations and write letters of encouragement to the receivers of these gifts. Lastly, we top off this special holiday season with a Christmas Adopt-A-Block where we host a special Gospel message and distribute gifts to the children of our local communities.
Check out Events for dates, times, and locations.